Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Test

Never the first to be picked on a team ~
I just wasn’t great at games with a ball ~
But if they needed one as a last resort,
It was then on me they would call.

Now this has followed me all of my life,
And some would feel sorry or pity me.
But I made up my mind a long time ago,
To be the best pinch hitter there ever would be.

I promised my Lord with sincere attitude,
“We can’t all be part of the in-crowd I see,
But if someone needs me, yet I’m not their first choice,
Help me do my best, and serve willingly.

“If I’m not even last on anyone’s list
Rejected by some, not thought of at all,
That is ok. But should they ever have need
Let me not turn them away; but gladly offer my all.

Great treasures, as silver or gold, have I none!
But such as I have, a word of praise or persistent prayer,
A listening ear, willing hands, a loving heart,
If someone needs those, please let me volunteer.

If someone should ever have need of my gifts
I won’t say no, and I’ll give my heart’s best.
Yes, I pray it is Christ’s love that they would see!
‘Cause that’s when my faith will be put to the test.

Used by permission.

Please visit Karen at Yesterday, Today, Forever for more of her wonderful thoughts.


  1. I need to read this about once a week. Sometimes I'm insulted or taken back that someone might consider me second or not at all. It's a pride issue...always working on that!

    Thanks for submitting a post again!

  2. Wow... this is fantastic. I need to remember this!!!


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