Lisa-Jo Baker challenges us every Friday to write. Just write. No editing, no over-thinking, no backtracking (that's the hardest one for me - no backtracking! Yeah, I see the error.). For five minutes - and no more - with her prompt.
Today's prompt is "ENCOURAGEMENT". I will be linking this post over there. Come join the challenge!
Timer's set.
She always says I’m pretty.
That I look so amazing that day.
She tell me that I glow. She says
I look so good in my outfit.
She makes me want to be her friend. She makes me want to stay close.
I smile when I see her coming my way. She brightens up my day.
Now, I don’t always think all those things, but when she
says them, I want to believe them. It
makes me stand a little taller. She
makes me want to smile back. To say
wonderful things to others.
Her brightening my day makes me want to brighten someone
else’s day. To pay it forward.
You see, the compliments don’t flow off my tongue. Not that I don’t think things; it just
sometimes feels awkward to say them.
But, she makes me feel brave. She
makes me want to be her when I grow up.
She gives me strength that I can pass on to others. She builds me up and often doesn't know how
very much I need that building up.
She encourages me. To
live up to who I am. Or who I am
supposed to be. To whose I am.
STOP. Time's up.